"Windows on Chemistry"

Dr. Wendy A. Warr wendy at warr.com
Wed Oct 7 19:05:07 BST 1998

In the September 14 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, there is an
article on web-based "Chemistry Modules of Richmond" developed to enable
students to click their way to better learning in chemistry. The article
is online at 
Beware, the article is entitled "Windows on Chemistry" in both hard copy
and online versions but in the online contents list it is entitled
"Chemistry Modules".

Dr Wendy A Warr
Wendy Warr & Associates, 6 Berwick Court
Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 7HZ, England
Tel/fax +44 (0)1477 533837
wendy at warr.com   http://www.warr.com

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