Release of ChemSymphony Beans 1.1

Adam Hodgkin adam at
Fri Oct 30 11:46:14 GMT 1998

Dear InternetChemist

Cherwell Scientific is pleased to announce today the release of
ChemSymphony Beans 1.1. For full details see:

The new release has many important features which broaden the range of the
toolkit. In particular we now have a 3D sketching tool, we have a
simplified Marquee component, we now offer comprehensive JavaDocs on the
public classes and the www site is deeper, broader and better indexed.

Perhaps of greatest interest to the ChemWeb list, we are simultaneously
releasing 5 ChemSymphony JavaBeans under a Lite licence. We invite you to
download these FREE beans if you are curious to find out what these
software components can do for Chemistry.   


---                                                                       ---
     Adam Hodgkin                    |  e-mail:  adam at
     Chairman                        |  Phone:   +44 (0)1865 784810
     Cherwell Scientific Publishing  |  Fax:     +44 (0)1865 784801
     Oxford OX4 4GA, UK              |  URL:
---                                                                       ---

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