copyright ? display of crystal structures from atomiccoordinates

Mark Winter M.Winter at
Thu Jun 29 13:11:46 BST 2000

>  >>> "Rzepa, Henry" <h.rzepa at> 29/06/2000 10:33:20 >>>
>>  ...I cannot bring myself to believe that if say Chapman  and Hall wish to
>>produce a Dictionary of Organic  Compounds in which they cite
>>a melting point, they have to seek permission from every original author
>>of the article which cites it.
>Neither can I, so there must be something in what you say. But most 
>original authors don't own the copyright - as you should know, they 
>sign it away to the publisher on the copyright transfer form they 
>sign for every paper. The journal publisher usually holds copyright 
>in published work, not the original author.

An interesting point given that, so far as I know, many academic 
authors are not actually authorised by their employers to sign that 
copyright away in the first place. It's also interesting that, when 
the work is publicly funded, that the work is given away to the 
journal for nothing, who then charge the public for reading about the 
work sponsored by the public in the first place. But I digress.

Dr Mark J Winter (Director of Studies)
Department of Chemistry, The University, Sheffield S3 7HF, England
  tel: +44 (0)114 222 9304
  fax: +44 (0)114 222 9303
  e-m: mark.winter at

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