more about PNG

Michael Engel michael-engel at
Mon Jul 9 23:47:28 BST 2001

Thank you to Eugene Leitl for reminding us the "trouble" with GIF.

If you are interested to know more about the PNG format, please also consult
the following page, the PNG homepage:

Portable Network Graphics
A Turbo-Studly Image Format with Lossless Compression
(Not Related to Papua New Guinea, the Pawnee National Grassland, the
Professional Numismatists Guild or the ``Pack 'N' Go'' format)
Welcome to the PNG Home Site, maintained by Greg Roelofs. Our hero likes to
speak of himself in the third person, but don't let that put you off; this
is intended to be a mostly serious set of reference pages for locating
information, applications and code related to the six-year-old PNG image

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