email virus AND WORSE

Michael Engel michael-engel at
Sun Jul 29 02:25:37 BST 2001

Dear friends,
We all use the internet for our daily work and we have to do a lot of
efforts to keep our computers clean from viruses/virii.

But there is an emminent danger lurking around the corner - network
problems. You could recently hear about it in the form of DoS attacks
(Denial of Services) and other security issues.

According to Steve Gibson, an expert in computer safety, Windows XP will be
another threat.

I just sent a message to CHMINF about this problem.
I know that several of you are subscribed to CHMINF too, so I don't want to
duplicate the message.

The others, please read it in the archive: the direct link is:

And Steve Gibson needs your help: he wants you to write a message to
Please read about it on his site.

You will find all links in my message at CHMINF

Thank you.

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