[chemweb] Report on the 230th ACS National Meeting

Wendy Warr wendy at warr.com
Wed Mar 22 20:23:26 GMT 2006

Chemical Information and Computation 2005, Number 2
Report on the 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington DC, August 2005
The contents list is on the Web at http://www.warr.com/morepubs.html.
The report:
*	Includes news from about 70 companies (including some not
*	Covers press releases for the last six months of 2005 
*	Features transcripts of 39 papers (all of them author-checked)
presented to the Chemical Information and Computers in Chemistry
Divisions on: 
*	Structure-based drug design 
*	Ligand-based drug design 
*	Visualisation and Interpretation of Computational Models 
*	Bridging the Gap from Paper to Electronic Notebooks 
*	Chemical Information and Open Access 
*	Public Information Databases 
*	Public Policy and International Science Issues 
*	Technology of Electronic Publishing 
Also available: a white paper
Recent Trends in Discovery Informatics
Dr. Wendy A. Warr
Wendy Warr & Associates
6 Berwick Court, Holmes Chapel
Cheshire, CW4 7HZ, England
Tel./fax +44 (0)1477 533837
wendy at warr.com http://www.warr.com
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