[chemweb] Call for participants: ChemAxon European UGM - Budapest, Hungary, May 17-18.

Alex Allardyce aa at chemaxon.hu
Fri Apr 8 12:26:13 BST 2011

Excuse cross postings:

We are announcing the program and calling for participants for 
ChemAxon's 7th European User Group Meeting (E-UGM) which will take place 
on May 17-18th in Budapest, Hungary.

Highlights of the event:

   1. Program is launched with presentations from industry users
      including; Abbott Laboratories, Astra Zeneca, Digital Science,
      Elsevier, Evotec, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Thomson Reuters. Full
      presentation titles below. Program:
   2. As usual the UGM is preceded by a training day with two different
      tracks: one for developers and the other for end users.
   3. On the morning of the 19th of May we'll host a dedicated Markush
      Forum, sponsored by Thomson Reuters, discussing the development of
      our Markush IP tools.
   4. Following the training day we will have our traditional one to one
      sessions from 5.30 pm at ChemAxon offices where you interact on
      your issues with ChemAxon developers and management.
   5. Gala dinner for this year is quite opulent as we enjoy one of
      Budapest's most famous bath-houses, the Szechenyi Bath, do bring
      your swimwear!
   6. We are using two linked hotels this year to help with late booking
      availability - chose your style!

Useful links:
Program: http://www.chemaxon.com/events/2011_eugm/#program
More information: http://www.chemaxon.com/events/2011_eugm/
Registration: http://www.chemaxon.com/ugm.php
Developer training details: 
End user training details: 
UGM archives: http://www.chemaxon.com/library/ugm-presentations/

Program: Presentation titles
01    The challenges facing the modern large pharma R&D manager, an 
exchange of views
02    Migrating to ChemAxon - the good, the bad & the ugly
03    A sneak peek at the ChemAxon Registration Service
04    Structure Checker - in silico surgery for molecules
05    Reliably converting names to structures with ChemAxon tools
06    Benchmarking ChemAxon's Name-to-Structure batch tool on patent text
07    Automated spelling correction to improve recall rates of 
name-to-structure tools for chemical text mining
08    Seeing structures and their properties online: chemicalize.org
09    JChem enters Formula 1 (and formula enters JChem)
10    Advanced searching chemical structures in patents
11    Patent Space Exploration: an application of Markush structure 
enumeration and search
12    Analyzing search hits with ChemAxon's Markush Enumeration tool
13    Perspiration, Inspiration, and Happenstance in Scientific Discoveries
14    DrugPredict: Online drug discovery service using 
polypharmacology-based interaction profiling
15    Blobs of hope and other flights of fancy
16    Computational toxicology - in silico assessment of the hERG 
channel inhibition potential for the early drug cardiotoxicity testing
17    JChem for SharePoint
18    Cheminformatics in SharePoint
19    Enterprise structure search in Sharepoint
20    Interactive structure standardization
21    Reactor - switching on the manual gear
22    Using Knime to provide desktop tools to chemists
23    Instant JChem - more ways to see your data
24    The chemistry Excel add-in game
25    SAR analysis in Excel using Helium and JChem
26    7 Years of ChemAxon at Evotec - choices and possibilities
27    Marvin 5.4 - A new generation of structure indexing at Elsevier
28    Utilizing Marvin in rich internet applications using Microsoft 

Hope to see you here in May.

*Alex Allardyce*
Marketing Dir.
Maramaros koz 3/A, Budapest, 1037 Hungary
Tel: +361 453 0435
Fax: +361 4532659
mailto:aa at chemaxon.com
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