[klee-dev] symbolic values and expression

Bo Fang flyree at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 22:55:25 BST 2013

Hi all,

I am new to Klee and maybe I am just asking a naive question. What I am
doing here is that I try to convert an instruction to an "error" state,
meaning that using a "not equal" expression as a constraint for the
original expression. So here is a example of code:

Inside the Executor::executeInstruction(), I add this in one of the
switch-case segments. In this example I show the Add case:

        unsigned size =
    ref<Expr> ret = NeExpr::create(ki->inst,AddExpr::create(left,right));

The line highlighted was that I don't know how to solve. Could someone help
me validate the idea or point out how to do this? Thanks!

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