[klee-dev] klee-uclibc built with clang-3.3 problem, thx!

Daniel Liew daniel.liew at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Aug 8 22:09:00 BST 2014

> Then I used the following command to configure the klee-uclibc:
> ./configure --make-llvm-lib --with-llvm-config=/path/to/llvm-config

You are replacing ``/path/to/llvm-config`` with the actual path to
llvm-config right?

You don't need to specify this argument if llvm-config is in your path.

> "/home/gli/peng/Software/python-inst/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line
> 1327, in _execute_child
>      raise child_exception
> OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

The configure script can't execute llvm-config. You need to fix this.
If you pass ``--log-level debug`` you may get more clues.

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