[klee-dev] Segmentation fault

王悦 wxywang89 at 163.com
Tue Jan 7 14:52:56 GMT 2014

Hello, every one:
Recently, I am working on using KLEE with BAP, a binary analysis platform that can generate LLVM bitcode. When I try to use KLEE to analyze the LLVM bitcode generated by BAP, I encountered  with several problems:
The test source code is quite simple.
When I compile it into bitcode with clang, it is ok to run klee on it. 
When I try to compile it into binary execution with gcc and then use BAP to translate it into LLVM bitcode, KLEE does not generate any output file and reports as follows:

$./klee --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime ./test1-gen.bc --sym-arg 3
0  klee 0x08a5a55b
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Now, I am confused with the problem and have no idea how to fix it. 
I'll appreciate a lot if any one could give me any suggestions  or help.

Best wishes,
Andy Wang
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