[klee-dev] Klee: error while loading shared libraries: libstp.so: cannot open shared object file

Breno Miranda brenoafmiranda at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 15:27:16 BST 2014

Dear All,

Am I allowed to send questions related to the experimental setup of *KLEE
with LLVM 3.4* to this list? If not, please ignore this message. If yes,
then I need some help!

I followed all the instructions available here
<http://klee.github.io/klee/Experimental.html> to setup KLEE + LLVM3.4
on a *Ubuntu
14.04 / 32-bits*. After completing the setup, I tried to follow the example
in the first tutorial <http://klee.github.io/klee/Tutorial-1.html> and,
after issuing the following commands:

clang -I ../../include -emit-llvm -c -g get_sign.c

klee get_sign.o

...I got the following error message:

*Klee: error while loading shared libraries: libstp.so: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory*

I double-checked and *libstp.so* is available at *.../stp_build/lib/libstp.so*

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,

Breno Miranda
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