[klee-dev] Linking multiple bitcode files to a single one

Dingbao Xie xiedingbao at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 23:56:21 GMT 2014

Hi all,
As llvm-ld is deprecated, we can't use klee-gcc when using latest version
of LLVM. I came across a tool called  Whole program LLVM
<https://github.com/travitch/whole-program-llvm>, which
seems great at building large programs to a single bitcode file.

After reading the source code of the tool for a while, I found that
the tool links multiple bitcode files to a single one using llvm-link.
But it doesn't perform whole program optimization.
Does that affect the performance of klee a lot?

One solution is to use opt after linking, right?

Dingbao Xie
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