[klee-dev] KLEE make pointer symbolically

张若虚 zhangruoxu0830 at qq.com
Wed Jun 3 13:28:15 BST 2015

Hi all, 

In the following program, I make a pointer symbolically.  The name of program file is array.c

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int a = 0;
	int *p = &a;
	klee_make_symbolic(&p, sizeof(p), "a");
	*p = 1;

I use the following command to invoke KLEE.

klee --search=random-path array.o

And KLEE finds 89 paths and generate 84 test cases.

Firstly, did I make some mistake, like the parameter of function klee_make_symbolic() ? Or did I miss some KLEE command line options which can solve this problem?

If I am correct, I don't think this is reasonable. Why does KLEE handle symbolic pointer in this way?

Thanks a lot!

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