[klee-dev] Beginnier to KLEE

Saksham Jain sakjain92.work at gmail.com
Sun May 3 09:32:42 BST 2015

Hi All,

I am new to KLEE and also to open source, linux and programming in general
( I am from Hardware background and most of my work is satisfied by having
knowledge of just C and have mostly worked on Windows)

I want to explore symbolic execution and KLEE seems like a good choice for
beginning. But I would like you guidance in getting to know the best way to
understand the code of KLEE.

I went through http://klee.github.io/docs/developers-guide/ but it seemed
too much for me to understand much of it. Kindly guide me on how to
proceed. I would like to be able to get to a stage that I can edit KLEE
code to suit my needs.

Thanks in advance.

Saksham Jain
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