[klee-dev] Launchpad PPA for KLEE

Attila Török torokati44 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 16:41:08 GMT 2015

Hi Everyone!

As it has been mentioned a few times on this list [1] [2], a simpler
installation method for KLEE might be helpful, for example in a form of a
Debian (Ubuntu) package. I know that there is already support for a Docker
image, but somehow I find that degree of separation more of an
inconvenience than any help, but it can be just me.

So I went ahead and created a PPA on Launchpad in which I uploaded a
package containing KLEE:
The installation is just as simple as with any other packages in PPAs, only
these three commands need to be executed:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:torokati44/klee
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install klee

POSIX runtime support with uClibc is built in, but the other two packages
in the PPA are not necessary for it to work, they are just build-time
dependencies - as far as I can tell. Still, if there was something
missing (some headers or such), installing those too won't hurt.

It has been tested on my daily driver Linux Mint 17.2, and also fresh
installs of Ubuntu 14.04.3 and Debian 8.2. (For the latter one, the
software-properties-common package had to be manually installed beforehand,
as that provides the add-apt-repository tool, then the created apt source
file had to be manually edited, replacing all instances of "jessie" with
"trusty" in it. This is because the PPA is intended for Ubuntu, it just
happens to work well on Debian too.)
In all three cases the package installed without any issues, and the basic
functionality of KLEE was there, including the POSIX runtime support -
although I haven't subjected it to heavy testing yet, so some bugs or
deficiencies are to be expected.
Please keep in mind that this is my first time packaging software this way,
and it's nowhere near a fully polished version yet, but I think it's a
fairly good start.

Some issues (among others) are: missing man pages, lack of rigorous
testing, some rough edges in the build process.
Also, maybe cryptominisat4 should be packaged too.

So if anyone interested could try installing and using this package, then
sent me some feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Attila Török

[1]: https://www.mail-archive.com/klee-dev@imperial.ac.uk/msg01402.html
[2]: https://www.mail-archive.com/klee-dev@imperial.ac.uk/msg02096.html
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