[klee-dev] Question about "-load" option

Bin Lin linbinmr at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 22:58:41 BST 2015

Hi there,

I am trying to use KLEE to generate test cases for programs. Those programs
call library functions that are compiled as shared library. I was trying to
use "-load" option to load the shared library, but KLEE always says that
"ERROR: failed external call".

For example, I have program named main.c that is compiled to main.bc. In
main.c, function foo() is called that is defined in shared library, say,
libfoo.so. I use the following command to execute the program.

./klee main.bc -load=<path-to-lib>/libfoo.so

It says that "ERROR: (location information missing) failed external call:

Do I miss something here?


Bin Lin
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