[klee-dev] Symbolic output in KLEE

Cynthia Disenfeld cdisenfeld at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 18:34:32 GMT 2016


I have recently installed KLEE and I was wondering whether it is possible
to obtain the symbolic output. For example, given the following variation
of the get_sign function:

  if (x == 0)

    return 0;

  if (x < 0)

    return x-1;


    return x+1;

Is there any log / parameter/ command with which I could automatically

For the path constraints ((x==0)) the output is (0)

For the path constraints (!(x==0) && (x<0)) the output is (x-1)

For the path constraints (!(x==0) && (x>0)) the output is (x+1)

So far, I have observed that it is possible to get the smt constraints of
the input, or use the automatic tests generated and get the output, but
this is a concrete value and not the path's symbolic output.


Cynthia Disenfeld
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