[klee-dev] The error message about uclibc when using -libc=uclibc option

nisiyu91 at sina.com nisiyu91 at sina.com
Wed Feb 3 16:11:12 GMT 2016

Recently, I install the klee on my PC and I successfully run the tutorial 1 & 2.
I met a problem when I did same works with examples/sort directory.sort.c has dependencies on libc, so I put a -libc=uclibc options in the command line.
But it doesn't work and shows an error message that uclibc.bca is an invalid record. I checked the path and it's right.I ran llvm-nm and llvm-ar to the bca file, and it showed a normal result.
I'm now wondering if there is  another reason can cause it or I missed something.
OS: Ubuntu14.04 64 bit  LLVM version:3.4(installed through apt-get)
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