[klee-dev] Option for generating MC/DC testcases

David Lightstone david.lightstone at prodigy.net
Mon May 9 21:27:54 BST 2016

If you are looking for a means to determine if MC/DC coverage has been achieved look into Couverture 

At one time I had it operational ( about 2 years ago). Can't comment on its evolution since then

Dave Lightstone

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> On May 9, 2016, at 3:57 PM, Damir <lost404 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, I'll look into it.
> I run my examples through gcc -E. then cilly, then clang, and then klee, and got 3 testcases for each one, which satisfy MC/DC for example 1.
> That's good enough for me now, though I wanted to get a warning, if MC/DC can be achieved on a decision. So far I suspect I don't get MC/DC, but a simple condition/decision coverage. 
> Need to check it again, messing with syntactically correct transformation can give a too narrow testcase set. I'll try to find a counterexample.
> Thanks again!
>> It completely eliminates the syntatic sugar. Transforming the original source into an equivalent which has no boolean expressions what-so-ever. That means for the transformed code there is only branch coverage to consider. KLEE can handle branch coverage.
>> Google on the search criteria George Necula CIL
>> You will find the published paper's pdf and a source for the translater
>> Dave Lightstone
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On May 9, 2016, at 11:58 AM, Damir <lost404 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, thanks for the feedback!
>>> I modelled the constraints using online Z3 modeller, it looks like entirely possible. The only trick I don't know is how to duplicate all current constraints, make them refer to two different sets of symbolic variables, and then join those sets using asserts like (A(x1, y1, z1) == false, A(x2, y2, z2) == true, B(x1, y1, z1) == Bfixed, B(x2, y2, z2) == Bfixed etc).
>>> Can you please elaborate, how preprocessing can help?
>>> пн, 9 мая 2016 г. в 18:32, David Lightstone <david.lightstone at prodigy.net>:
>>>> I dug into this years ago. At the time KLEE could not do it. Whether KLEE is now able to do so is doubtful (pure guts evaluation)
>>>> i did however discover a possible work around ( possibility dependent upon the subset of C used)
>>>> That work around being to preprocess the source code thru George Necula's CIL, and use the preprocesser result instead of the original code
>>>> The test cases which you will generate will probably be a superset of the MC/DC test cases of the original source.
>>>> Dave Lightstone
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On May 9, 2016, at 4:55 AM, Damir <lost404 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>>> I've recently started using KLEE, and I'm wondering how hard it would be to implement full MC/DC testcases generation in KLEE.
>>>>> You can read about MC/DC on Wiki
>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_condition/decision_coverage
>>>>> I've done some analysis, and figured out how it can be done in klee, theoretically,
>>>>> As I see it, implementing such feature would require tampering with forking mechanism in KLEE, in following ways:
>>>>> 1) Allow breaking a complex decision into conditions, for example
>>>>>     if (A && B && C)
>>>>> the decision is (A && B && C) here, and conditions are A, B and C.
>>>>>  All conditions are functions of symbolic variables, returning boolean, and combined into decision using only boolean logic.
>>>>> 2) Instead of forking on whether decision is true or false, forks are based on conditions.
>>>>> Before (current KLEE): 
>>>>> fork 1: Decision(A, B, C) == false
>>>>> fork 2: Decision(A, B, C) == true
>>>>> MC/DC way:
>>>>> Before forking, set of conditions (in addition to previous ones) must be solved:
>>>>> For example, for condition A:
>>>>> A(x1, y1, ... z1) == false
>>>>> A(x2, y2, ... z2) == true
>>>>> B(x1, y1, ... z1) == Bfixed
>>>>> B(x2, y2, .... z2) == Bfixed
>>>>> C(x1, y1, ... z1) == Cfixed
>>>>> C(x2, y2, .... z2) == Cfixed
>>>>> Decision(x1, y1, ... z1) != Decision(x2, y2, ... z2)
>>>>> If there is a solution (Bfixed, Cfixed) to those constraints, two forks are created with following conditions on them:
>>>>> fork 1: A == true, B == Bfixed, C == Cfixed
>>>>> fork 2: A == false, B == Bfixed, C == Cfixed
>>>>> If there is no solution to those constraints, then the decision cannot be covered by MC/DC criteria, this can be reported, and forking on this condition can be done in a simple way (condition coverage):
>>>>> fork1:  A == true
>>>>> fork2:  A == false
>>>>> and then the usual way, fork on (Decision(A,B,C) == false and Decision(A, B, C) == true)
>>>>> So, basically during MC/DC, maximum number of forks is 4 * number of conditions.
>>>>> 3) Testcases can be optimized by removing duplicates.
>>>>> Example 1:
>>>>> if x is a symbolic variable, and decision is (x > 0 && x < 10), here how it can be handled in MC/DC way:
>>>>> 1) Determine that there are two separate conditions, A(x) = (x > 0) and B(x) = (x < 10).
>>>>> 2) For condition A, following set of constraints is introduced:
>>>>>    A(x1) == false
>>>>>    A(x2) == true
>>>>>    B(x1) == Bfixed
>>>>>    B(x2) == Bfixed
>>>>>    A(x1) && B(x1) != A(x2) && B(x2)
>>>>>  It is solved, and is found that Bfixed is true.
>>>>>  So, fork is created with following conditions:
>>>>>   Fork1:  (x > 0) == true , (x < 10) == true, satisfied, testcase is x == 1
>>>>>   Fork2:  (x > 0) == false , (x < 10) == true, satisfied, testcase is x == 0
>>>>> For condition B, the same procedure applies.
>>>>> set of constaints is following:
>>>>>     A(x1) == Afixed
>>>>>     A(x2) == Afixed
>>>>>     B(x1) == false
>>>>>     B(x2) == true
>>>>>     A(x1) && B(x1) != A(x2) && B(x2)
>>>>>   It is solved, and is found that Afixed is true.
>>>>>    Fork is created with following conditions:
>>>>>    Fork3: x > 0) == true,  (x < 10) == true, satisfied, testcase is x == 1
>>>>>    Fork4: x > 0) == true,  (x < 10) == false, satisfied, testcase is x == 10
>>>>> since condition for fork3 is the same as for fork1, it will produce the same testcases, and duplicates can be discarded.
>>>>> So, three testcases are generated, x == 0, x == 1 and x == 10. When combined, they satisfy MC/DC criteria on given decision.
>>>>> Example 2:
>>>>> The same as Example 1, but decision is now (x > 0 && x > 10)
>>>>> 1) There are two separate conditions, A(x) = (x > 0) and B(x) = (x > 10)
>>>>> 2) Constraints set for condition A is
>>>>>   A(x1) == false
>>>>>   A(x2) == true
>>>>>   B(x1) == Bfixed
>>>>>   B(x2) == Bfixed
>>>>>   A(x1) && B(x1) != A(x2) && B(x2)
>>>>> This set of restraints is unsatisfiable, so MC/DC cannot be reached on condtion A. Most probably, condition A is redundant.
>>>>> Then, forking is created using condition coverage:
>>>>> Fork1: (x > 0) == true
>>>>> Fork2: (x > 0) == false
>>>>> Then additional forks are created as usual, 
>>>>> Fork 11: (x > 0) == true, (x > 0 && x > 10) == true - satisfied, testcase is x = 11
>>>>> Fork 12: (x > 0) == true, (x > 0 && x > 10) == false - satisfied, testcase is x == 1
>>>>> Fork 21: (x > 0) == false, (x > 0 && x > 10) == true - unsatisfied
>>>>> Fork 22: (x > 0) == false, (x > 0 && x > 10) == false, satisfied, testcase is x = 0
>>>>> For condition B, constraint is:
>>>>>   A(x1) == Afixed
>>>>>   A(x2) == Afixed
>>>>>   B(x1) == false
>>>>>   B(x2) == true
>>>>>   A(x1) && B(x1) != A(x2) && B(x2)
>>>>>   When solved, it gives Afixed = true.
>>>>>   Fork3: (x > 0) == true, (x > 10) == true, satisfied, testcase is x == 11
>>>>>   Fork4: (x > 0) == true, (x > 10) == false, satisfied, testcase is x == 1
>>>>> After removing duplicate testcases, three testcases remain:  x == 0,. x == 1 and x == 11. They do not satisfy MC/DC criteria though, and warning can be produced,
>>>>> that condition A cannot be covered by MC/DC on every path.
>>>>> Thanks for reading up to this point!
>>>>> The question is, any idea, how this procedure can be implemented in KLEE? I see it as an option to klee, turning it on would enable MC/DC analysis, generate more testcases
>>>>> and produce warnings if some decisions cannot satisfy MC/DC criteria.
>>>>> Where can I start, what files I should change to implement it?
>>>>> ---
>>>>> With best regards,
>>>>> Damir Shaykhutdinov (lost404 at gmail.com)
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