[klee-dev] Option for generating MC/DC test cases

Damir lost404 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 20:51:40 BST 2016

Hello again!

I've patched klee to support the option to skip CFGSimplification pass.

Here's the link for the patch:


It's a part of my larger effort to build klee with cmake and llvm-3.8,
based on the work of Richard Trembecky and my own.

So far I've been able to build klee with llvm and cmake on Ubuntu 16.04,
with only minor patch to LLVM cmake files.

The cmake support is work in progress, lots of things to do.

The -no-boolean-simplification patch is usable on klee with llvm-3.4  and
autotools. Official docker image can be patched with it and you can get
better coverage for complex decisions.

I'm sure it will work on llvm-2.9 too, so you won't need CIL anymore to get
better coverage.
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