[klee-dev] How to get (or capture ) the value of replaying a test case and the usage of KLEE

乔磊 qiaoleioffice at 163.com
Thu Nov 24 03:26:42 GMT 2016

Dear all,I am a new user of KLEE, I am learning some knoeledge about symbolic execution.

I saw the usage of KLEE from the website http://klee.github.io/. 

I have some questions as follows:

1. Does KLEE just only generate testcases for C program?

2. How to get (or capture  ) the value after replaying a test case and how to store the value of replaying a test case  into a file.

I saw one method from the website:http://klee.github.io/tutorials/testing-function/

$ gcc -L path-to-klee-root/Release+Asserts/lib/ get_sign.c -lkleeRuntest
$ KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out 
$ echo$?
After I input and execute  the command of KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out, the result of running the testcase on C program will print a value on the screen. It looks like the function of the Linux command "echo" . I just see it on the screen. I can't get (or capture )the value after executing  the command of KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out.
Is there any mistakes on my usage on KLEE.

When I use the command as follows:
    KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out   >> a.txt
There is no result. How can I store the value of running the testcase on a program.

When I write the command:KTEST_FILE=klee-last/$testcase ./a.out into a bash file named replayingtestcaseesstorageinputoutput.sh

Then I execute  this bash script as follows. Some errors information will print on the screen? I don't know the reason of occuring error. Can you give
me a help?

3.How to run the test cases generated by KLEE on our c program  ?

    just one method as follows? 
$ gcc -L path-to-klee-root/Release+Asserts/lib/ get_sign.c -lkleeRuntest
$ KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out 
$ echo$?
Do you have other method or other usage?

4. There are only simple example on the KLEE website http://klee.github.io/, the tutorial one and two just give two examples.  when my C program has two or three , even more than three input arguments,How to use klee ?

When I use klee. I just replace the input variable of the statement  “scanf("%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c);” to the function of klee_make_symbolic(&a,sizeof(a),"a")just like the following ; Do I need replace other variable or statement?

When the c program has no the statement of “scanf("%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c);” How to make symbolic use klee to generate the testcase?

Is the following usage right?
when there is one input variable :  scanf("%d",&a);    I replaceed the Statement scanf("%d",&n)  to  klee_make_symbolic(&a,sizeof(a),"a");
when there are two input variables : scanf("%d%d‘’,&a,&b);   I replaceed this statement  to two statements  klee_make_symbolic(&a,sizeof(a),"a"); klee_make_symbolic(&b,sizeof(b),"b");
when there are three input variables :  scanf("%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c);   I replaceed this statement  to three statements  klee_make_symbolic(&a,sizeof(a),"a"); klee_make_symbolic(&b,sizeof(b),"b");  klee_make_symbolic(&c,sizeof(c),"c");
Is all right?

5.How can I get the learning materials and Instructions of using KLEE, If you have, please send to me by Email. which website or internet forum can I search some usages materials of KLEE?

Thank you very much. 

Best wishes.

 Beijing Institute of Technology
School of Computer Science and Technology

                                                                                              Beijing Institute of Technology : 5 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing Postcode: 100081, CHINA
                                                                                                                                                               Lei  Qiao
E-mail: qiaoleioffice at 163.com

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