[klee-dev] Question about uclibc with scanf

Randall xyhbg920711 at 163.com
Thu Oct 20 11:13:16 BST 2016


                I meet a odd problem when using klee to symbolize files. The
source code follows as:

                int main(int argc, char** argv)


                                FILE* fp;

                                fp = fopen("A", "r+");


                                if(fp == NULL)

                                                printf("A file open



                                                int n, re;

                                                if((re = fscanf(fp, "%d",
&n)) == -1)

integer failed.\n");


integer successed.\n");



                                return 0;



                Then, the klee command is:

                klee -libc=uclibc -posix-runtime ./test.bc -sym-files 1 4


                However, klee is halting when calling fscanf.

                KLEE: WARING ONCE: ioctl: (TCGETS) symbolic file, incomplete

                KLEE: WARING ONCE: calling external:
__isoc99_fscanf(181308416, 172167656, 172170256)

                halting here.


                Here I find it refers incomlete model,  and it mean that the
uclibc can not use fscanf ? I don't understand what happened. What should I
do so that I can use fscanf to read fomatting data from symbolize files?


                Thanks in advance.

                Randall  from Xidian University


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