[klee-dev] measuring the coverage using the test cases testN.TYPE.err

Andrew Santosa asantosa1999 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 02:42:51 BST 2017

If I understand correctly, here there are two categories of test suites discussed: one contains the test suite generatedby KLEE, and another contains test suites that come with the program itself. If you want to measure the coveragespecifically achieved by KLEE, then you should only run your program with the KLEE-generated test suite.

On Sunday, August 6, 2017, 11:47:35 AM GMT+8, BNM <boooth_2006 at yahoo.com> wrote:

I've tried to measure the code coverage of a program using Gcov with the test cases generated by KLEE . The test suites include some test cases reporting some errors, is it necessary to include these test cases when I measure the coverage or should be excluded?
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