[klee-dev] How to implement the lazy memory allocation in KLEE?

buka sei_wk at 126.com
Tue May 9 09:37:08 BST 2017

Dear all,
    In klee, the memory should be allocated before its running. E.g., if we have a pointer p, then its initialization code could be
      int p_instance;
      where int*p=&p_instance;
    This causes the problem that we cannot deal with the complex, pointer-rich data such as a chained list in klee. E.g., the following
is a node structure. While running klee, its pointer next cannot be allocated automatically.
    struct point{
       int x;
       struct point*next;
    In the paper "Under-Constrained Symbolic Execution: Correctness Checking for Real Code, 24th USENIX Security Symposium 2015",
it introduced the UC-KLEE which can handle such situation and mentioned a technique named "Lazy initialization" (see section  2.1).
I want to know where can I get the release version of UC-KLEE? Or, how to implement this technique in klee?
    Thanks a lot.



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