[klee-dev] Possibly incorrect models generated

Alberto Barbaro barbaro.alberto at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 07:07:13 GMT 2018

Hi all,
I'm generating the .smt2 file for the following simple c program:

#include <klee/klee.h>

int main() {
int a;
int another;

klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
klee_make_symbolic(&another, sizeof(another), "another");

if ( a == 77 ) {
a += 6;
another = 5;
} else {
a = 9;
if ( another == 12 ) {
a += 7;
} else {
a += 10;

return 0;

I can compile it using clang -I ../../include -emit-llvm -c -g simple.c and
obtain the .smt2 running klee -write-smt2s simple.bc. At this point I would
like to see the model for the 3 test case and I have the following results:

klee at a8a6399e6799:~/klee_src/examples/simple$ ktest-tool --write-ints
ktest file : 'klee-last/test000001.ktest'
args       : ['simple.bc']
num objects: 2
object    0: name: b'a'
object    0: size: 4
object    0: data: 77
object    1: name: b'another'
object    1: size: 4
object    1: data: 0

klee at a8a6399e6799:~/klee_src/examples/simple$ ktest-tool --write-ints
ktest file : 'klee-last/test000002.ktest'
args       : ['simple.bc']
num objects: 2
object    0: name: b'a'
object    0: size: 4
object    0: data: 0
object    1: name: b'another'
object    1: size: 4
object    1: data: 0

klee at a8a6399e6799:~/klee_src/examples/simple$ ktest-tool --write-ints
ktest file : 'klee-last/test000003.ktest'
args       : ['simple.bc']
num objects: 2
object    0: name: b'a'
object    0: size: 4
object    0: data: 0
object    1: name: b'another'
object    1: size: 4
object    1: data: 12

I feel I'm missing something because, for instance, I cannot see the case
where a = 0 and another = 12.

Can you help me to understand if the models are correct and why?

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