[klee-dev] Is it possible to implement a tool that genereates unit test driver for KLEE?

Nowack, Martin m.nowack at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Sep 2 12:20:50 BST 2019

Dear Wei Ma,

Could you please summarise and provide a few details how the other symbolic execution engine is used?
This should help people to answer if this is possible with KLEE.

All the best,

On 31. Aug 2019, at 15:24, Wei MA <wei.ma at uni.lu<mailto:wei.ma at uni.lu>> wrote:

Dear All,

Recently, I found a series of papers from the same group that implements a tool that can generate unit test driver, http://swtv.kaist.ac.kr/tools/conbrio . But they use the other symbolic tool. Is it possible to do that in KLEE to implement a similar tool? Or there has been some work about it in KLEE.

Best Regards,
Wei Ma

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