[klee-dev] How to compile without using "-c" when building KLEE tutorial?

Nowack, Martin m.nowack at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Feb 20 13:25:38 GMT 2020

Hi Xuan,

I’m sorry for the very late reply.

The problem you are describing is the following:
The files you’re compiling, e.g. from `get_sign.c` do contain calls, which KLEE handles internally (i.e. `klee_make_symbolic`):
int main() {
  int a;
  klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
  return get_sign(a);
Unfortunately, if you want to compile those applications to native code, you have to provide an implementation for that, which you link against in the linking step.
Depending on your use case the implementation might be either empty functions or, for example in the re-run of tests, provide values that initialise the variables appropriately.

As this problem is coming up quite often, I’ll open a PR for additional code and documentation.

I hope that helps.

All the best,

On 21. Jan 2020, at 09:53, XIE Xuan <lebron716 at outlook.com<mailto:lebron716 at outlook.com>> wrote:

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Hi there,

I am now playing around KLEE and try to use clang to build bitcode file in the first tutorial (http://klee.github.io/tutorials/testing-function/).

My command is: clang -I ../../include -g -emit-llvm -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone get_sign.c

And it complain -emit-llvm cannot be used when linking.

I try: clang -I ../../include -g -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone get_sign.c

And it complains "undefined reference to 'klee_make_symbolic'" even I give all the dependency(those .a file) of KLEE to wllvm. It should at least normally compile even I am not using “-c -emit-llvm”. Does anyone know what’s the reason for clang cannot find the dependency for KLEE library?


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