[klee-dev] About the two methods of test replay.

Alex Babushkin ocelaiwo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 21:46:18 BST 2021

Hello, I'm sorry if this has ever been asked before, but why are there two
methods for replaying test cases? The first is to link your bitcode file
with the build-generated libraries consisting of functions in instrinsics.c
and so on, and the second one is to use the klee-replay utility. I wonder
whether one of the options is favoured or not, or maybe some option is
to-be-deprecated in the future? Also, is there a guide on how to use the
klee-replay utility properly? klee-replay.c has, for example, the
"klee_make_symbolic" function definition, so, I assume, it is capable of
replaying tests for programs that were instrumented with
"klee_make_symbolic". Yet, klee-replay is mentioned only in the "Testing
Coreutils" guide, in which there is no "klee-make-symbolic" instrumentation
involved. So, how should executables for klee-replay be produced out of
corresponding bitcode files?

Since this is a question about pure usage of the instrument, I'm sorry If
it is a product of bad research of mine. If, however, not, then I think it
would be good to add the appropriate documentation to the klee website.

Thank you for your response in advance, Alex.
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