[klee-dev] Improving KLEE coverage

Cristian Cadar c.cadar at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Sep 9 13:48:30 BST 2021

Hi Vlad,

It's difficult to say without seeing the full program, but it could be 
that KLEE is spending all its time in some other parts on the code.  You 
can use klee-stats to understand how many states are in memory, how much 
time is spent in constraint solving etc., and kcachegrind to visualize 
code-level statistics (see 


On 23/07/2021 14:22, Vlad Ivanov wrote:
> Hello KLEE developers,
> first of all thank you for working on this tool and making it available to the
> public. I'm working on using KLEE to fuzz a simple RPC protocol. The setup is as
> follows:
> 1. Create a symbolic variable buffer_size and use klee_assume on it to create
>     a constraint of maximum size
> 2. Allocate a buffer of length buffer_size and make it symbolic as well
> 3. Take some data from random buffer and use it to create RPC request
> 4. Pass the request to the RPC endpoint input function
> I've created a setup to collect coverage data after KLEE is done fuzzing and put
> it into a HTML report. I can see that within several minutes, several paths are
> discovered but for some reason, even when running for hours, KLEE doesn't seem
> to be able to get past certain conditions in code.
> To illustrate, here's a code example (numbers on the left represent hit count):
>      163    auto const cSize = mapSize(inputBuffer[4]);
>      163
>      163    if (inputBuffer[5] != cSize)
>      163    {
>      163        return ArgumentError;
>      163    }
>      0
>      0      if (inputBuffer[6] != cSize)
>      0      {
>      0          return ArgumentError;
>      0      }
> While I can't share the exact program this is the type of checks that's
> ultimately happening there. What I find interesting is that in order to reach
> this point, a rather complex set of conditions has to be satisfied: basically,
> 7 or so positions in the input buffer need to match a specific set of constants.
> These constants are discovered rather quickly, and it would seem to me that
> there should be no trouble in finding the 8th one, but that's not what I'm
> seeing, and after many hours of fuzzing I'm stuck with the same number of test
> cases I had when I ran fuzzing just for a few minutes.
> The command line I'm using to start fuzzing is rather simple:
>      klee --optimize --libcxx --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime ./build/application
> And here's a --version output:
>      KLEE 2.2 ()
>        Build mode: RelWithDebInfo (Asserts: ON)
>        Build revision: 5719d2803e93252e5d4613f43afc7db0d72332f1
>      LLVM ():
>        LLVM version 11.0.0
>        Optimized build.
>        Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
>        Host CPU: skylake
> KLEE is built with Z3 support.
> What would be a good way to understand why it's not progressing further?
> Perhaps there is some sort of option to try?
> (apologies for the previous non-plaintext email)
> Best Regards,
> Vlad
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