[klee-dev] Errors when files unconform to the format!

房合钧 1106929795 at qq.com
Mon Jun 6 15:06:47 BST 2022


I recently tried to use Klee to detect a project that handles PNG images. I use sym files to generate input files, but the generated files do not necessarily meet the format requirements of PNG pictures. Therefore, I hope to fix some characters to make the generated files conform to the format.

I found in the past mailing list that you mentioned that it can be specified through the file in POSIX, but I can't figure out which file can be set. So can you tell me the specific file path.

Similarly, I want to confirm whether Klee is also used in POSIX_ Assume (), or there are other functions.

If you are willing to give a simple example, it would be great.

Thanks and regards,
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