[klee-dev] How can I use shared memory correctly in KLEE?

prncoprs at 163.com prncoprs at 163.com
Sat Jun 25 18:40:57 BST 2022

Dear all,

I want to use shared memory in klee, so that I can expose some info of the klee to other processes in the same operate system.

I use the POSIX `shm_open()` to get a shared memory fd `shm_fd`, after I use `ftruncate()` to set the size, then I use `mmap()` to get the shared memory address `(int *)shm_region` in the klee program. However, I find that the value and content of `(int *)shm_region` changes. For example, when I first got the value of `shm_region`, it is 0x7f8892da0000, and I set the content of the `shm_region` to 0. But after a while, I found the value of `shm_region` was changed to 0x55658e481eb4, the content of `shm_region[0]` is 267633609, without any my manually modified.

After I checked the mailing list, I found that klee did not support multi-processes. However, I think this is just an inter-processes communication issue rather the multi-processes. Could someone tell me why the shared memory address changes in klee?

I also tried other IPC methods, like shared files and PIPE, and they work correctly. Does this mean that I cannot use shared memory in klee to do the IPC?


Best wishes,
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