[klee-dev] Unable to load symbol(_ZTVNSt3__18ios_baseE) while initializing globals

Nowack, Martin m.nowack at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 10:02:43 BST 2022


It’s a bit complicated, in a nutshell, you *don’t* want to use the system library and paths:

clang++ -nostdinc++ -nostdlib++   -isystem <install>/include/c++/v  test.cpp -c -emit-llvm -o test.bc

`<install>` refers to your installation path of your KLEE libc++ installation.


> On 29. Jun 2022, at 09:55, 房合钧 <1106929795 at qq.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your reply! 
> I used the -stdlib=libc++ parameter on the command line, and in the final executable file I can use the ldd command to see that the dynamic library it depends on includes libc++, I am not sure if this proves that I am using this library correctly?
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> 发件人: "Nowack, Martin" <m.nowack at imperial.ac.uk>;
> 发送时间: 2022年6月21日(星期二) 晚上11:09
> 收件人: "房合钧"<1106929795 at qq.com>;
> 抄送: "klee-dev"<klee-dev at imperial.ac.uk>;
> 主题: Re: [klee-dev] Unable to load symbol(_ZTVNSt3__18ios_baseE) while initializing globals
> Hi,
> One issue could be that during compilation the wrong include files are used.
> Make sure you use the include files provided with libc++ implementation you use for KLEE.
> Please refer to the following documentation to get further information:
> https://libcxx.llvm.org/UsingLibcxx.html#using-a-custom-built-libc
> Best,
> Martin
>> On 21. Jun 2022, at 15:05, 房合钧 <1106929795 at qq.com> wrote:
>> ##### **An error "Unable to load symbol(_ZTVNSt3_18ios_baseE)while initializing globals" occurred when running in klee.**
>> **1.After I use the wllvm tool to compile the packJPG project into an executable file——packJPG, I use its script to convert the packJPG executable file into a bitcode file——packJPG.bc**
>> ```
>> To ensure that the functionality of the executables obtained by wllvm is not compromised, and consistent with the executables obtained using the project's own build method, I ran them with the same test case
>>  and got the same compression ratio.
>> wllvm compile command:
>> $ export LLVM_COMPILER=clang
>> $ export CC=/usr/local/bin/wllvm
>> $ export CXX=/usr/local/bin/wllvm++
>> $ export CFLAGS="-g -O1 -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes -D__NO_STRING_INLINES  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 -U__OPTIMIZE__"
>> $ wllvm++ -c -o bitops.o bitops.cpp -stdlib=libc++
>> $ wllvm++ -c -o aricoder.o aricoder.cpp -stdlib=libc++
>> $ wllvm++ -c -o packjpg.o packjpg.cpp -stdlib=libc++
>> $ wllvm++ -o packJPG bitops.o aricoder.o packjpg.o -stdlib=libc++ -lc++experimental
>> $ export LLVM_LINK_NAME=llvm-link-11
>> $ export LLVM_AR_NAME=llvm-ar-11
>> $ extract-bc packJPG
>> ```
>> **2、When running this bitcode file with klee, the following error occurred:**
>> ```
>> KLEE:ERROR:Unable to load symbol(_ZTVNSt3_18ios_baseE)while initializing globals
>> ```
>> I found this symbol in the symbol table of the libc++.so library that the packJPG project depends on.
>> **3、I have tried several methods to solve this error.**
>> ```
>> (1)Add a parameter of klee to the running command: -link-llvm-lib.But it didn't solve my problem, because turning the system library into a bitcode file is still an expensive method.
>> (2)It is found that the compiler set in the original Makefile of the packJPG project is gcc and the dependent libraries are set to be statically linked. Now I don't know how to migrate the static dependency
>>  library (-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++) of the gcc compiler to the static library of the corresponding clang compiler.
>> I tried -static-libc++ but it doesn't seem to work
>> ```
>> Has anyone encountered this error? Or is there any possible workaround?
>> Expecting a reply!
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