[klee-dev] get the absolute path of file in InstructionInfo

王加益 vineash30640 at gmail.com
Thu May 11 15:48:28 BST 2023


I have a question about the `const std::string &file` in `struct
InstructionInfo`. From my observation, this `file` is always a relative
path, regardless of whether the file is in klee-uclibc, klee runtime, or my
own testing subjects. For example, we have:

   - runtime/POSIX/fd.c
   - ../lib/getopt.c
   - libc/string/strcmp.c

This makes it difficult to analyze, especially in `run.istats`, as tools
like kcachegrind cannot find the corresponding source code with relative
paths. Is there a way to make the `file` absolute?


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