Linking and Query question

Tim Bray tbray at
Tue Aug 5 19:10:53 BST 1997

At 09:54 AM 05/08/97 -0700, Andrew Layman wrote:
>Can I create a link that, in effect, contains a query so that it
>references one document among a set? For example, if I know that several
>versions of a document exist, and I want to reference the latest
>version, but I'm willing to accept either of the two prior versions, can
>I express that?  If so, how?  Thanks.

XML-link has no versioning machinery built in... this would be in the
territory of the WebDAV work, if anywhere.  I think (but am not sure)
that there is some machinery for this in the URN work.  Note that versioning
in the general case is a horribly complex problem and tends to have all
sorts of application-specific requirements, so I wouldn't bet too much
in finding a good general solution. -T.

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