character encoding questions

Rick Jelliffe ricko at
Wed Jul 16 15:53:28 BST 1997

> From: Christina Portillo <Alice.Portillo at>
> My questions are:
> 1. How are the software vendors (browser, parser, authoring) planning on
> supporting documents which utilize the UNICODE character set?

I am using EditTime at the moment: it supports Unicode document character set
and ENR extended naming rules SGML declaration.  It is not  officially XML, 
but you can type in /> for EMPTY elements, so you can create XML documents. 

I don't know whether it allows &#x  hexadecimal numeric character references,
but it certainly supports SPREAD-style &U hexadeclimal entity references, so 
it can be trivially converted to XML.
They seem to have Japanese & Chinese versions available, and also support the 
European scripts.

Rick Jelliffe

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