XML processing experiments

James Clark jjc at jclark.com
Sat Nov 8 12:22:47 GMT 1997

Tim Bray wrote:
> At 06:11 PM 07/11/97 +0100, Jarle Stabell wrote:
> >Ok. My current design will first return PCData="x", then entity ref="foo",
> >and (if the client want entities expanded: PCData="a" followed by
> >EmptyElement="b" and then PCData="c".)
> >ie it may return two consecutive PCData's, with perhaps some
> >EntityExpansionStart and -End signals between them.
> >(Is this design flawed?)
> If "foo" is an *internal* entity, the spec clearly requires your
> parser to expand it for the application.  But letting the app know
> that the ref was encountered is also fine.

I think it's also fine to give the app control over when the parser
performs the expansion.  One reason to do this is that the internal
entity may be defined in an external parameter entity or external DTD
subset.  An app may not want to wait to retrieve this when it could be
continuing to parse the entity in which the reference occurs.


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