XML-Data: advantages over DTD syntax? (and some wishes)

Rick Jelliffe ricko at allette.com.au
Sat Oct 4 11:28:33 BST 1997

> From: Sean Mc Grath <digitome at iol.ie>
> [Rick Jelliffe]
> > 
> >But the proposed syntax in XML-data has a different and extended
> >functionality compared to XML's declaration syntax.  So rather than having
> >two (notional) simple parsers, you have a single parser that is more
> >complicated.
> Sorry, I don't understand this. Why is the parser more complicated?
I am assuming that the XML-data parser makes use of the things declared in
some way. So it is more complicated than just a simple XML instance parser
that only looks at well-formedness. 

Rick Jelliffe

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