Confusion with Namespaces?

Rick Jelliffe ricko at
Mon Apr 13 22:11:54 BST 1998

From: Tyler Baker <tyler at>

> Any thoughts here?

It would be better if they just said somewhere "the namespace PI has the 
same syntax as XML element start-tags" and then given the following 

<!ATTLIST #PI xml:namespace
    prefix   NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
    ns        CDATA       #REQUIRED
    src       CDATA       #IMPLIED     >
<!-- NOTES:
    prefix is an XML NAME, but cannot contain ":".
    ns      is a URI.
    src     is a URI. 

The production they probably want is probably more like

[1] <?xml:namespace'  S 
                (NSDef S PrefixDef | PrefixDef S NSDef)  
                (S (SrcDef S? )? )?

This is a case where, to me, the markup declararation syntax
has clear advantages over BNF.  And I dread to think what it
would look like in some version of XML-data element syntax.

Rick Jelliffe

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