ASCII control characters in XML

Tim Bray tbray at
Tue Apr 28 19:05:38 BST 1998

At 09:21 AM 4/28/98 -0700, Steve Harris wrote:
>Is it possible to transport UTF-8-encoded text that includes some
>characters in the byte range x0000-x001F (ASCII control characters)?
>These codes are valid within UTF-8 (via RFC2044), but the XML
>specification clearly says that these codes do not constitute 'valid

Yes, the XML spec clearly rules these characters out.  We didn't discuss
it that much during the process - it seemed like a good idea, and nobody
on any of the committees seemed troubled at the prospect of losing them;
so I'm afraid this is a hardwired characteristic of XML 1.0, and you're
stuck with it. -Tim

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