Where and how to place XSL processor for formatting of ASP form handler generated XML response?

Amit Rekhi amitr at abinfosys.com
Tue Aug 4 04:52:20 BST 1998



      * Scripting Environment :- ASP
      * Client Briowser :- IE 4.01
      * XSL processor :- MSXSL
      * Web Server :- IIS 4.0

      * Database Server :- SQL Server 6.5

    1) Where do I place the MSXSL(XSL processor)  for it to trap a response
(an XML steam) generated by an ASP form handler after form submission?

    2) What scripting event and code would I use with the MSXSL to trap the
XML response from the form handler?


* I have a default.asp file which will generate a FORM for user input.
* On Submission an ASP form handler = test.asp is invoked.
Code snippet for default.asp is :-

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