REQ: ISO 8601 Comments

Avi Rappoport avirr at LanMinds.Com
Thu Aug 13 05:22:25 BST 1998

>	On the more general there a repository for general
>domain nonspecific DTD's for stuff like times, dates, directory listings,
>etc?  It would be nice if we could have one place for all this, and
>software for parsing and representing information stored in these formats.
>I mean, as soon as I find myself creating declarations for stuff like
>datetime I know someone else must have done it already, and probably have
>a Java class which can load itself using SAX events.  What are the large
>companies such as Microsoft using for this in stuff like Office 2000?

XML Exchange ( is a good location for this kind of
thing.  It's now sponsored by CommerceNet and I'm sure we could get an
"essential tool" category installed.


Avi Rappoport, Web Site Search Tools Maven <mailto:avirr at>
Search Tools Consulting Site: <>

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