XSchema Spec - Attribute Declarations (Section 2.4), Draft 5

Ron Bourret rbourret at dvs1.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Jul 22 17:37:59 BST 1998

Carl Hage wrote:

> However, moving <EnumerationValue>+ into a token string creates a severe 
> problem. It's impossible to add information associated with each code value, 
> for example documentation on the semantics for each. Also, it may be common 
> to import enumeration values defined within an external standard, e.g. by 
> using xml links.
> To correct the problem, simply add <EnumerationValue> back in, e.g.
> <!ELEMENT XSC:AttDef (XSC:Doc?, XSC:More?, XSC:EnumerationValue*)>

I agree, although for a different reason.  I've just gotten to writing this part 
of the code and have to admit that having to parse something the parser can 
parse for me makes me very grumpy indeed.  Note that the EnumerationValue 
element is used by both enumerated attributes and notation attributes.

-- Ron Bourret

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