XCatalog proposal draft 0.1

Peter Murray-Rust peter at ursus.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 25 00:52:53 BST 1998

At 16:36 24/07/98 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
>Lars Marius Garshol scripsit:
>> I have to agree with the others speakers on this:
>>   - SO Catalogs should be supported for backward compatibility
>>   - XCatalogs are to be preferred over SO Catalogs, since they
>>     limit the number of syntaxes one has to learn
>I agree too, but didn't want to prejudice the opinions of the

But you are allowed to lead gently... :-)

>> I have now implemented support both for SO Catalogs and the XML
>> version of XCatalogs in xmlproc 0.50, which I released earlier
>> today. The support is still rather experimental, and does not
>> handle entry conflict resolution correctly.
>I propose something one week, rough consensus emerges the next
>week, and working code a week or two later: such is the Internet
>freeware development community.  Peace, it's wonderful!

I totally agree. And so long as everyone is prepared for the inevitable
times when things don't go as hoped for - not failures, but experiments -
it's a tremendous experience. Mind you, Hofstadter's law still applies.
[... Hofstadter's frog snipped ...]


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
net connection
VSMS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vsms, Virtual Hyperglossary

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