Internal subset equivalent in new schema proposals?

Murray Maloney murray at
Thu Nov 26 21:00:58 GMT 1998

At 02:24 PM 11/26/98 -0500, Michael Kay wrote:
>Well, I know that SGML folks have always seen SGML as the solution to
>everything, but I don't think they've erased the evidence of where it came
>from, which was device-independent typographical markup.
Sheesh! I can almost see you spitting out these words.

Let me remind you that UNIX came out of Bell Labs
because their lawyers needed an operating system
on which they could create their patent applications.
The troff/pic/eqn/grap/awk/sed/... family of tools
were created for document processing.

So, if you want, you can blame/credit lawyers and document
creators with both UNIX and SGML. And so what?

UNIX is also missing a lot of stuff. That is the beauty
of UNIX isn't it? It is a system on which one can build.
As Brian Kernighan is quick to point out, UNIX can be 
easily extended through "little languages".

So, rather than this constant, annoying, and whiny rhetoric,
it might be worthwhile to note what XML is good for and 
to contribute to building upon it. To wit, see SOX.

Oh, and one more thing, technology is not self-sufficient.
"Document people" have been a principal consumer of 
computer technology for many years, and technologists
might count themselves lucky that document people haven't 
treated technologists with as much contempt as they --
the customers -- have been subject to. Harumph!



Murray Maloney, Esq.          Phone: (905) 509-9120
Muzmo Communication Inc.      Fax:   (905) 509-8637
671 Cowan Circle              Email: murray at
Pickering, Ontario 		Email: murray at
Canada, L1W 3K6    		

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