XML Parsers

Daniel Veillard Daniel.Veillard at w3.org
Fri Oct 9 17:49:34 BST 1998

Quoting RJA at dip.co.uk (RJA at dip.co.uk):
> Could somebody point me to the W3 recommendation/proposal for a DTD DOM, if
> there is one.    I've already got the core recommendation for DOM, but I
> want to know what interfaces I should support for accessing a  DTD.

  If you look at the DOM Group requirements:

Section 1.7 relates to the DTD support and basically it's not supported
in DOM Level one. But they expect to provide access to the DTD (if available)
in the future,


Daniel.Veillard at w3.org | W3C  MIT/LCS  NE43-344  | Today's Bookmarks :
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