DTD Question

Andy Dent dent at highway1.com.au
Thu Oct 22 00:17:39 BST 1998

At 4:38 AM +0800 22/10/98, John Cowan wrote:
>Jack Bolles scripsit:
>> Also, aren't positional names (first, last) too presentational

>Indeed. In fact, the Right Thing turns out to be CommonName and Surname;
>my CommonName is "John Cowan" and my Surname is "Cowan".
What about alternate names?

Many Chinese have a 'Western CommonName' but would still write their formal
name as something like WONG Jing Ping and be known as Alan in conversation
and casual reference.
Andy Dent BSc MACS AACM, Software Designer, A.D. Software, Western Australia
OOFILE - Database, Reports, Graphs, GUI for c++ on Mac, Unix & Windows
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