Is XML 1.0 underspecified? (was: Re: CDATA by any other name. ..)

Reynolds, Gregg greynolds at
Fri Oct 30 19:41:54 GMT 1998

I would agree we shouldn't be too harsh on the standard as written; the
W3C intentionally does things fast, which is good on the whole, but it
means pragmatism wins out over aesthetics sometimes.  But I also agree
using Z would be a very big step forward.

-----Original Message-----
From: david at [mailto:david at]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 1998 12:58 PM
To: XML Dev
Subject: Is XML 1.0 underspecified? (was: Re: CDATA by any other

Michael Kay writes:

 > This whole thread just reconfirms my view, stated a couple of weeks
 > ago, that the current spec is hopelessly informal and we need some
 > PhD student to sit down and produce a version in Z or something
 > similar.

That's probably too harsh.  I am actually quite fond of the XML 1.0
REC, and believe that it has worked for the most part. 

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