Namespaces Revisited...

Tim Bray tbray at
Mon Sep 14 19:21:35 BST 1998

At 11:13 AM 9/14/98 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
>Unfortunately, we're stuck with it, until some ISO/IEC committee
>can be persuaded to take up XML (there is already one trying
>to create ISO HTML).  ISO/IEC WGs may be horribly slow and politics-ridden,
>but they can't just *ignore* comments if they are properly submitted.
>They *have* to process all of them.

For what it's worth, the XML process has been *extremely* open to 
comments and considered, exhaustively and at great length, the issue
of whether what we're trying to do with namespaces could be done
better with architectural forms or some variation thereon.  I and
David Megginson and others have expanded at near-infinite length
in this forum and others on these issues and the bases for the
process' conclusions.

I fully acknowledge that you disagree with the conclusion that the
committee came to, but it is incorrect and damaging to allege that 
the process ignored the input.  -Tim

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