DOM - Creating Documents

Leigh Dodds ldodds at
Wed Apr 21 11:32:24 BST 1999

> Yes it would be nice if there were a standard interface, but in
> the meantime you could try using the SAXON one. You can use it
> of the rest of SAXON.

I'm probably going to use OpenXML as that provides the functionality I

But I still maintain that the creation of a Document should be in
the DOM spec - granted that an empty document is not valid XML, but
that in itself doesn't stop its addition, its just something
to think about. Perhaps the Document object must be created from
a DocumentFragment (say) or other Node - ensuring that some initial
content must be specified, and throw an exception if this content is
(in itself) invalid.

e.g. Documment createDocument(Node initialContent);

It just seems like an obvious omission, and I've yet to come across
any information as to why its not provided. I'm really interested
to hear what people think (not that I seriously expect any changes to
the spec from just my suggestion, but curiosity being what it is...).


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