DOM - Creating Documents

Leigh Dodds ldodds at
Wed Apr 21 13:41:17 BST 1999

> The problem is that, in the abscence of the whole
> CORBA infrastructure, there's no way getting hold of a
> concrete instance of a CORBA interface (unless you've
> already got one that defines a factory method ... but
> then we're on the first step of an infinite regress).

Erm, so you're saying that 

interface Document : Node {
	Document	createDocument{} raises {DOMException}

isn't valid CORBA syntax and so thats why its not been 

Surely the use of IDL is to provide a clear language 
neutral specification and not limit that specification 
in anyway, nor tie it to a CORBA infrastructure. The 
OpenXML parser, and the SAXON interface mentioned 
in an earlier post, both manage to create new Document 
instances so obviously there is a means of doing it.

Are potential implementation difficulties actually 
driving the format of the specification (i.e. interface).
Seems a roundabout way of doing it if it is.

Perhaps I'm missing something. 


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